
Why donald Trump just forget his father's birth place?

US President Donald Trump once again made a mistake in his father's birth and claimed that he was born in Germany.
According to the British newspaper editorial, in the White House meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stu Tengborg, the US President said, "My father was German and he was born in Germany a great place."
He said he had great feelings for Germany and Angela respected Merkel.
According to the British newspaper, American President's father Fred Trummer was born in New York City. Traum's grandfather was born in Friedrich Germany, and in 1885 the 16-year-old civil war had moved to America.
According to the newspaper, it was not the first time that Trump has told Germany to be the birth of his father, even before he has made a false statement.
Last year, in the Belgian capital of Brussels, Trumpp said in a NATO meeting that "Germany has a lot of respect in my heart, my father was German, and mother was also a member of the European Union. Does not benefit. '
President Trump also told CBS News in July last year that his father is from Germany and Germany Scotland. #USANews #Donald_Trump

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