
Scientific Reasons for Magnet Attraction to COVID Vaccine injection site | PKNNTV | Shaheed Ullah

Coronavirus Vaccination Process:

As we all know, vaccination against COVID-19 in many countries has quickly been carried out to restrict Coronavirus spread and restore daily-life activities. Similarly, Pakistan launched the country's immunization program and moved into phase after observing the situation in India.

Under the National Immunization Management System (NIMS) supervision, Pakistani citizens can register online for immunization at any place and time without physically going to the Hospital. Visit the official website for details: NIMS

There are 15 recognized covid vaccines available in the market and many are in the trial around the world each and everyone has a specific mechanism of action. The details of all these 15 vaccines are available here: COVID VACCINES.

During the vaccination in Pakistan, there were a lot of complications. Vaccination according to conspiracy theories and the new world order has been considered by many. Some people deny this vaccination because of its probable side effects, and many more refuse it only because the magnet is drawn to the COVID vaccine injection site.

Why is magnet attracted to the COVID Vaccine injection site?

First, It should be noted that a magnet is not only attracted toward the site of vaccine injection but many other areas in the body i.e., both shoulders. Second, consider a light-weighted magnet, if you want to perform this experiment at your home. It should be kept in mind that fatty and non-fatty individuals will show different results. 

There are various ressons but three possible and most important reasons for this effect are:

  • Electrostatic Effect:

    The human skin and even cells are negatively charged from inside and positively charged from outside. It can be more precisely said in summer or hot weather conditions. The magnet on the other hand has positive and negative poles so, its negative pole can be attracted toward the human skin which is already positive. This is more likely to occur in the body above the waist.

  • Blood Hemoglobin Iron:

    Blood contains RBCs which have a tremendous quantity of hemoglobin inside it. One RBC contains 300 million hemoglobins, over a billion iron atoms, and over a billion oxygen molecules. There are 3.93 to 5.69 million/mm³ RBCs. Below are some basic calculations.

⇒ 1mm³ blood = 3.93 to 5.69 million RBCs

⇒ 1 RBC = 300 million hemoglobin

⇒ 1 Hemoglobin = 4 Iron atoms (Fe)

So, apparently, there are 5,772000000 (approximately 6 billion) iron atoms in just a cubic millimeter of blood. And iron has magnetic property i.e., It is attracted by the magnet. So, the blood/skin will be attracted by the magnet due to iron.

    Now, as there are capillaries in the skin having blood in them, So there will be a considerable amount of magnetic attraction in that area.

  • Blood hemoglobin oxygen:

    Blood contains hemoglobin, In the 1930s, it was found that hemoglobin has magnetic properties that are different depending on whether it is carrying oxygen or not. When the hemoglobin is not carrying oxygen, it is more sensitive or paramagnetic than oxygenated blood.

   BUT Why after vaccination? 

    Yes, this is true that magnet will be more attracted in the site of vaccine injection rather than other areas and this is due to the fact that: After pricking, damaging the skin, there is temporary coagulation in that area and this coagulation process bring more cells including platelets and RBCs, so again the amount of RBCs is greater in this particular area and as a result, there will be greater iron concentration and in turn greater attraction.

Below is the picture of my niece, just 5 years old, not vaccinated yet and magnet is being attracted to her arm..! 

It was Sunday morning when I got my first dose of COVID vaccine, It was SinoVac (CaronaVac), a Chinese vaccine. There was no side effect at all, but when I personally discussed it with my friend who is a doctor, he shows me that you are now magnetized as a magnet will be attracted by the site of your vaccine injection and it was true but I didn't check it on my other shoulder. When I discussed this matter with professors and doctors of our university (Khyber Medical University), they called me in there and diagnosed me as much as they can, and finally elaborate all the processes going on behind this and also shown me that; it is not only attracted by your left but also right deltoid muscle. At that moment, I just took a deep breath of satisfaction.


       I have to make it clear that I am not forcing or persuading people to get their COVID-19 vaccination, it's your choice but I am trying to inform about the facts . We have to know some basics to avoid rumors. Thanks.

References: There is no need for citations and referencing just because all the information provided is facts and figures.

Written by: Shaheed Ullah

Khyber Medical University (KMU)

All rights reserved by Shaheed Ullah and PKNNTV. 

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